2022. C. Harbison, J. Losee, J. Ohlberger, & A. Huff.
Coast Digital Library
for the Washington Coast Salmon Recovery RegionLooking for information on a watershed or salmon species in the Washington Coast Region? Enjoy this one-stop-shop with articles, reports, papers, and other documents related to salmon recovery.
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Document list sorted by year and title
Beavers: Vital for Salmon and a Healthy Chehalis Basin
Marine Spatial Plan Data Assessment White Paper
Protocol for the Prevention & Control of Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea)
Ready for Change: A Framework to Promote Climate Resilience in Salmon Strongholds
Landscape Attributes Explain Salmonid Ecological Neighbourhoods across a Complex River Network
2021. E.J. Walther, P.A. Westley & M.S. Zimmerman.
Endangered Predators and Endangered Prey: Seasonal Diet of Southern Resident Killer Whales
2021. M.B. Hanson, C.K. Emmons, M.J. Ford, M. Everett, K. Parsons, and co-authors.
Passive Acoustic Monitoring Reveals Spatiotemporal Segregation of Two Fish-eating Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Populations in Proposed Critical Habitat
2021. C.K. Emmons, M.B. Hanson, M.O. Lammers
Chum Salmon Life-Cycle Model Description and Results for the Chehalis River Basin
2021. T.J. Beechie, C. Nicol, C. Fogel, J. Jorgensen , B. Timpane-Padgham
Identifying the Potential of Anadromous Salmonid Habitat Restoration with Life Cycle Models
2021. J. Jorgenson, C. Nicol, C. Fogel, T.J. Beechie
Modeling Effects of Habitat Change and Restoration Alternatives on Salmon in the Chehalis River Basin Using a Salmonid Life-Cycle Model
2021. T.J. Beechie, C. Nicol, C. Fogel, J. Jorgensen, J. Thompson, and co-authors
A Process-based Assessment of Landscape Change and Salmon Habitat Losses in the Chehalis River Basin
2021. T.J. Beechie, C. Fogel, C. Nicol, B. Timpane-Padgham
Skookumchuck Dam Initial Data Compilation and Analysis
2021. J. Ferguson, M. Martz, B. Montgomery, B Nordlund, S. Wright, L. Karpack, L. McMullen.
Importance of Warm Habitat to the Growth Regime of Cold-Water Fishes
2021. J.B. Armstrong, A.M. Fullerton, C.E. Jordan, J.L. Ebersole, J.R. Bellmore, & co-authors.
New Culvert Projections for Washington State
2021. G.S. Mauger, M. Liu, J. C. Adam, J. Won, G. Wilhere, & co-authors.
Evaluating Coexistence of Fish Species with Coastal Cutthroat Trout in Low Order Streams of Western Oregon and Washington
2021. K.D. Martens, J. Dunham.
Developing Pilot Watershed Restoration Plans for the Washington Coast Region
2021. N. Pittman.
Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State
2020. J. Mojica, A. Fletcher
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Willapa Bay Salmon Management Policy C-3622, 2015-2018
2020. C. Herring, J. Pope, B. McClellan, L. Jennings
Abstract Bibliography of Watershed Process and Management and Habitat Restoration Targeting Instream Flows
2020. S.L. Katz, B.T. Luff
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