Climate Adaptation Framework

Salmon Habitat in a Changing Climate

Climate Adaptation and Salmon Restoration

Regional Workshop #1: January 2023

In January 2023, the Coast Salmon Partnership hosted a one-day workshop focused on ‘future proofing’ restoration projects to benefit salmon under anticipated changes in stream flows, stream temperatures, and sea level rise. The event was attended by more than 150 restoration practitioners, committee members, and other individuals interested in coastal salmon restoration and resilience in the Washington Coast Salmon Recovery Region. Input received at this workshop was used to finalize a Reference Guide and Online Webmap that provide guidance on how to address climate-driven impacts affecting habitat restoration projects.

Coast Salmon Partnership

Mara Zimmerman, Executive Director

Future Proofing Salmon Habitat in the Washington Coast Region

Grace Adams, WA Sea Grant Hershman Fellow

Expert Panel Discussion

Jane Atha, WA Department of Fish & Wildlife

Michelle Cramer, Wild Salmon Center

John Gaffney, Interfluve

Phil Roni, Cramer Fish Sciences

Steve Winter, Natural Systems Design

What’s Next?

Mara Zimmerman, Executive Director

Climate Adaptation Framework

Salmon Restoration and Resilience in a Changing Climate
A Guide to ‘Future Proofing’ Salmon Habitat in the Washington Coast Region

Salmon Adaptation for Habitat Restoration
Online Webmap to Support Habitat Project Development

Restoration to Resilience

Symposium: October 2021White Glacier

Learn more

Climate Resilience Index

Regional Workshop #2: November 2023
Learn more