Climate Adaptation Framework

Salmon Habitat in a Changing Climate

Increasing floods and droughts and changing ocean conditions are among many factors that influence sustainability of salmon runs in the Washington Coast Salmon Recovery Region. These climate impacts are key elements identified in the Washington Coast Sustainable Salmon Plan and the four coastal Lead Entity strategies, and there is a need to translate anticipated problems into solutions that can be acted on.

The Coast Salmon Partnership’s Climate Adaptation Framework provides guidance on how to protect and restore salmon habitat in a changing climate. This framework is geographically focused on Washington’s Pacific coast and gives both practitioners and planners a forward-looking perspective on how their actions can contribute to future resilience of habitat for salmon, steelhead, trout, and char in the region. The framework was collaboratively developed using best available science and local knowledge thanks to the input of numerous scientists, managers, planners, permitters, and stakeholders .

Restoration to Resilience

Symposium: October 2021
White GlacierLearn more

Climate & Salmon Restoration

Regional Workshop #1: January 2023
Learn more

Climate Resilience Index

Regional Workshop #2: November 2023
Learn more

Climate Resilience Index

Tutorial #1: Overview

Climate Resilience Index

Tutorial #2: Model Development

Climate Resilience Index

Tutorial #3: Case Study


Climate Adaptation Proposal and Presentation

Salmon Restoration and Resilience in a Changing Climate
A Guide to ‘Future Proofing’ Salmon Habitat in the Washington Coast Region

Salmon Adaptation for Habitat Restoration
Online Webmap to Support Habitat Project Development

Climate Resilience Index for the Washington Coast Region
User Guide to the Model, Data Sets, and Interactive Tool

Climate Resilience Index Interactive Tool
Online Interactive Tool to Support Watershed Planning