Acres for America is NFWF’s premier land conservation program, and was established to provide urgently needed funding for projects that conserve important large-scale habitats for fish, wildlife, and plants through voluntary land acquisitions and perpetual conservation easements. The program will award $3 million to projects that conserve important large-scale habitats for fish, wildlife and plants through voluntary land acquisitions and perpetual conservation easements.
Grant Funding Sources
for the Washington Coast RegionGrant sources listed will help fund improvements in watershed health, water quality, water quantity, planting trees along rivers, fixing barriers to fish migration, buying land for conservation of nature or working lands, and helping make communities resilient to the impacts of climate change.
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America the Beautiful Challenge
The America the Beautiful Challenge is a public-private grant program for locally led ecosystem restoration projects that invest in watershed restoration, resilience, equitable access, workforce development, corridors and connectivity, and collaborative conservation, consistent with the America the Beautiful Initiative.
American Fisheries Society Small Project Grants
Projects that further the mission and strategic objectives of the American Fisheries Society and the Western Division will be targeted for Small Project Grant funding. AFS’ mission is to improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems by advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting the development of fisheries professionals.
Aquatic Invasive Plants Management Grants Program
The Aquatic Weeds Management Fund (AWMF) provides financial and technical assistance to local and state governments, tribes, and special purpose districts to reduce the propagation of freshwater aquatic invasive plants and to manage the problems these invasive plants cause.
Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA)
In 1984, the Washington State Legislature created this grant program to ensure that money generated from aquatic lands was used to protect and enhance those lands. Grants may be used for the acquisition, improvement, or protection of aquatic lands for public purposes. They also may be used to provide or improve public access to the waterfront. Aquatic lands are all tidelands, shore lands, harbor areas, and the beds of navigable waters.
BIA Endangered Species Program
This program element funds central office coordination of Bureau responsibilities associated with Public Law 93-205, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the related protection and preservation of trust lands and resources. Successful applications will be limited to projects that are directly related to the restoration, management, and/or economic development of “tribal trust resources.”
BIA Hatchery Maintenance Program
This program element provides funding to fish-producing Tribes in support of associated hatching, rearing and stocking programs. Salmon and steelhead trout released from tribal hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest benefit Indian and non-Indian commercial and sport fisheries in the United States and Canada, and help satisfy Indian subsistence and ceremonial needs. Eligible Fish Hatcheries include any multi-purpose or single-purpose facility owned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) or a Federally recognized tribe engaged in the spawning, hatching, rearing, holding, caring for, or stocking of fish and/or shellfish.
BIA Invasive Species Program
Successful applications will focus on the management/control of invasive species on tribal trust lands, individual Indian allotment lands, or in areas managed by tribes through treaties or agreements. Instead of focusing on the definition of “Invasive Species,” this program will focus on the damage caused to Tribal Trust Resources and leave it to the discretion of the applicant to describe whether the species is “invasive” or represents an instance in which a native species is behaving as an invasive species due to altered environmental conditions. This funding can cover all invasive species (plants/animals) outside of noxious weeds in agricultural settings.
BIA Tribal Youth Initiative Program
Initiative funding for the support and development of tribal youth programs focused on science in alignment with conservation and resource management will be distributed on a competitive basis to tribes and inter-tribal organizations. The programs will provide opportunities for youth to engage in the field of natural resource management and encourage their interest in pursuing educational opportunities and careers in natural resources management.
Brian Abbot Fish Barrier Removal Board (FBRB)
The Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board aids restoration of healthy and harvestable levels of salmon and steelhead statewide through the coordinated and strategic removal of barriers to fish passage.