Grant Information

Total Funding Available
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
Average Grant Award
< $1K
Match Requirement
RFP Release
Pre-application Due
Final Application Due

American Fisheries Society Small Project Grants

Projects that further the mission and strategic objectives of the American Fisheries Society and the Western Division will be targeted for Small Project Grant funding.  AFS’ mission is to improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems by advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting the development of fisheries professionals.  The Western Division endeavors to provide a forum for exchanging technical and policy information, promote understanding by regional, federal, and state policy-makers of the nature and extent of fishery matters of concern to the membership, facilitate timely exchange of information to chapters and the general membership, and provide a vehicle for the active participation of individual members in Society business and professional activities.

The Executive Committee will consider the following project elements when making grants funding decisions.  Does the proposal:

  1. Promote the AFS mission and WDAFS objectives?  Please also refer to the AFS Strategic Plan, available on the AFS website.
  2. Incorporate and promote science-based management, conservation, or understanding of fisheries resources?
  3. Elevate the visibility of fisheries issues to a broad audience?
  4. Need WDAFS funding to complete the project?
  5. Have potential for generating revenue that would benefit the WDAFS?
Who Can Apply?
American Fisheries Society Members
Project Types
Restoration Types
Geography/Land Ownership
The western United States, US territories, Mexico, and Canadian provinces represented by the WDAFS