Grant Information

Total Funding Available
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
Average Grant Award
Match Requirement
50% non-federal cash match
RFP Release
December (semi-annual)
Pre-application Due
Final Application Due
January (round 1) & June (round 2)
Hoh River

National Forest Foundation Matching Awards Program

The National Forest Foundation (NFF) Matching Awards Program (MAP) provides funding for results-oriented on-the-ground projects that enhance forest health and outdoor experiences on National Forests and Grasslands. MAP pairs federal funds provided through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Forest Service with non-federal dollars raised by award recipients, multiplying the resources available to implement stewardship projects that benefit the National Forest System.

All MAP applications must align with one or both of the NFF’s strategic focus areas of Outdoor Experiences and Forest Health. Applications that cohesively integrate the two program areas are encouraged. Eligible projects are no more than 12 months in duration, and start roughly two months after the application deadline.

All MAP applications must include direct public participation. Projects must contain significant, legitimate community involvement in the pre-implementation, implementation, or post-implementation phase. Examples of eligible civic engagement include use of volunteers in project implementation, the engagement of paid youth or stewardship crews, or the implementation of projects selected as an outcome of a formal collaborative-planning process.

Who Can Apply?
Educational Institutions, Native American Tribes, Nonprofit Organizations
Project Types
Restoration Types
Habitat (General), Invasive Species, Riparian
Geography/Land Ownership
National, must benefit U.S. National Forests and Grasslands