Grant Information

Total Funding Available
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
Varies (see LE Coordinator)
Average Grant Award
Match Requirement
15% (No match required for design-only projects < $350K)
RFP Release
January (annual)
Pre-application Due
Varies (see LE Coordinator)
Final Application Due
June (annual)

Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB)

Salmon recovery grants are used to restore degraded salmon habitat and protect existing, high-quality habitat. Projects may include the actual habitat used by salmon and the land and water that support processes important to salmon. Applicants must demonstrate how their projects address the goals and actions defined in the regional recovery plans or lead entity strategies. Typical projects include:

  • Replacing barriers to fish migration
  • Replanting stream banks
  • Removing dikes, levees, and shoreline armoring
  • Installing logjams to slow rivers and create habitat
  • Restoring estuaries
  • Buying pristine habitat
  • Completing designs for future projects

Acquisition projects must be managed and protected as salmon habitat forever. Restoration projects must be managed and maintained as improved salmon habitat for at least 10 years after construction is completed.

Who Can Apply?
Cities, Conservation Districts, Counties, Native American Tribes, Nonprofit Organizations, Private Land Owners, Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups, State Agencies
Project Types
Planning, Acquisition, Restoration, Monitoring
Restoration Types
Estuaries/Nearshore, Fish Passage, Floodplain, Habitat (General), Instream, Riparian
Geography/Land Ownership
Located in Washington State