Grant Information

Total Funding Available
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
Average Grant Award
$10K - $25K
Match Requirement
Not Required
RFP Release
January (annual)
Pre-application Due
Final Application Due
March (annual)

Coastal Protection Fund – Terry Husseman Account

THA grants support locally sponsored projects that restore or enhance the natural environment. Typical projects address water quality issues and fish and wildlife habitat protection or enhancement in or adjacent to waters of the state, such as streams, lakes, wetlands, or the ocean.

Projects that develop and implement aquatic land geographic information systems (GIS) that support restoration or enhancement of the natural environment are also eligible and may be proposed.

Projects that address an environmental emergency may be eligible. An environmental emergency is defined as a risk to the natural environment as a result of a natural or man-made disaster.

Projects of statewide significance may be proposed that use innovative approaches or technologies that could be applied in multiple watersheds throughout Washington, and result in a significant improvement to the natural environment.

To be considered, projects must provide primary benefits to public resources (land or water stewardship) and affiliated infrastructure.

Who Can Apply?
Cities, Conservation Districts, Counties, Native American Tribes, Regional Fisheries Enhancement Groups, State Agencies
Project Types
Restoration Types
Estuaries/Nearshore, Habitat (General), Riparian, Wetlands
Geography/Land Ownership
Located in Washington State