Grant Information

Total Funding Available
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
Average Grant Award
$500K - $1M
Match Requirement
50% cash or contributed goods and services. (Both Federal and non-Federal funds may be considered as match.)
RFP Release
January (annual)
Pre-application Due
February (annual)
Final Application Due
April (annual)

Acres for America

Acres for America is NFWF’s premier land conservation program and was established to provide urgently needed funding for projects that conserve important large-scale habitats for fish, wildlife, and plants through voluntary land acquisitions and perpetual conservation easements.

• Conserve critical habitats for birds, fish, plants and wildlife
• Connect existing protected lands to unify wild places and protect migration routes
• Provide access for people to enjoy the outdoors
• Ensure the future of local economies that depend on forestry, ranching and recreation

Who Can Apply?
Cities, Conservation Districts, Counties, Educational Institutions, Native American Tribes, Nonprofit Organizations, State Agencies
Project Types
Acquisition, Conservation
Restoration Types
Geography/Land Ownership