Grant Information

Total Funding Available
$1M per year
Minimum Request
Maximum Request
$500K per year ($2M per project)
Average Grant Award
$500K per year (for up to 4 years)
Match Requirement
RFP Release
September (varies)
Pre-application Due
Final Application Due
January (varies)

NOAA Regional Ecosystem Research Program (RER)

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) through its Competitive Research Program (CRP) supports the development of actionable information and tools to improve how the Nation protects, manages, and conserves ocean and coastal ecosystems. NCCOS/CRP bolsters sound coastal management decisions by involving resource managers, planners, policymakers, and impacted communities as research project partners or advisors to ensure useful results.

A key objective of NCCOS/CRP research is the production of user-driven tools that will enable resource managers to assess alternative management strategies to restore degraded ecosystems and protect healthy ones. Research supported is outcome-oriented towards increased scientific understanding that will provide managers and the public with sound scientific information for making decisions in support of societal objectives. Articulation of outcome-based management goals is required in proposals and recipients must report progress toward achieving outcome-based goals annually.

Funding is contingent upon availability of Federal appropriations. If funds become available for this program, two projects are expected to be supported for up to three to four years, with an approximate annual budget for each project up to $500,000, not to exceed $2,000,000 per project.

Who Can Apply?
Cities, Conservation Districts, Counties, Educational Institutions, Native American Tribes, Nonprofit Organizations, State Agencies
Project Types
Restoration Types
Geography/Land Ownership
Proposed projects must address species of management relevance to a marine protected area (MPA) or MPA network in the waters under the jurisdiction of the U.S. (including U.S. territories and the Great Lakes).